Cheating Partner Investigations

Cheating Partner Investigations

Do you suspect your partner of cheating? Are you ready to empower your decision making?

Cheating Partner Investigations

Cotswold Private Investigations specialises in person to person surveillance. Be that on foot or vehicle to vehicle, our operators are all either ex-forces or ex-police and are trained in this very specialised form of tradecraft. We have both male and female operatives all of whom will treat your cheating partner investigation with the dedication, discretion and respect it deserves.

Is not knowing gnawing away at your self-confidence, trust and personal happiness?

Suspecting your partner is being cheating will gnaw away at self-confidence, trust, personal happiness, creating suspicion and is generally corrosive to any relationship. By engaging Cotswold Private Investigations, we work with you to empower your decision making by delivering to you the facts. We are also there to help guide and support you afterwards if you decide to act on these facts.

What do you need from me to get started?

To begin with, we will want to meet you either at our office in Malmesbury or at a time and place convenient to you and where you are comfortable; perhaps in a cafe for example. In this meeting, we will be asking you to paint a picture of the circumstances that have led you to need our services. We will guide you through the facts and person(s) involved until we can advise you on the best course of action needed to resolve your problem. This meeting may typically take around 1 hour and we do not charge for this.

What do I receive at the end of the cheating partner investigation?

After our meeting and typically within a couple of days we will have a tasking plan drafted for your approval. This is our written plan to how we propose to find the truth and help you solve your problem.

How much does a cheating partner investigation cost?

As part of the draft tasking plan will be an estimate of the hours needed and the costs involved. Don’t forget we do not move forward until we have agreed on this plan and the budget. Our standard rate of charge is £85.00 per hour per investigator plus expenses.

Leslie from Worcester

(long story short) ...Cotswold Private Investigations helped me find out the truth that my husband was being unfaithful (with one of my best friends) and with the help of my Case Manager (thanks Lynn) helped me find a good solicitor, removal company to move me back to my parents and closer to my support network and even a change of school for the children. Throughout the whole awful process, I felt supported and never alone. So when you contacted me and asked me to write this review I was more than happy to do so and recommend to others your professional services. Thank you for helping me to get my life (and self-respect) back.

Let us help you today

Don't let not knowing gnaw away at your self-confidence, trust and personal happiness. Are you ready to empower your decision making? If so, contact us today and arrange a meeting at our office in Malmesbury or at a time and place convenient to you and where you are comfortable.

Call us on 01666 330 186

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